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10 Tips For An Easy House Sale News Post Image 31st December 2020

10 Tips For An Easy House Sale

by Boydens

Summer is the time to sell a property! Hopefully the sun has started to warm everyone’s spirits, and every homeowner can capitalise to make their property look as welcoming as possible to potential buyers! Here’s how…

10. Declutter. You’ve probably done a spring clean, but you still need to get rid of what you don’t want or need. The idea is to create a sense of space in your home, as just about every buyer is looking for more! Pay particular attention to cupboards, if these are full to the brim it will give the impression that there isn’t much storage space.

9. Get rid of your rubbish. Rather that having overflowing bins, or recycling waiting to be put out on the right day, take it all to the dump to get rid of it completely. Even if it is neatly piled, the sight, and possibly smell, could break the beautiful impression you are working hard to convey.

8. Check the entrance to your home. Is your front door clean? Windows sparkling? Paintwork free of flakes and dirt? Make sure that any damage to the door is repaired and that there isn’t any clutter by the entrance either.

7. Mow the lawn and do the weeding. Light gardening duties are essential to make your outdoor area look spick and span. There’s no need to design a whole new garden, just make sure that what you have is as neat and tidy as it can be.

6. Dress your outdoor space. Use the beauty of nature to enhance the outside of your home. Get some decorative flowerpots and fill with seasonal blossoming plants, shrubs or flowers and place them strategically in the front and back gardens. Don’t worry if you aren’t green fingered, with any luck they will stay looking fabulous for a few weeks while viewings are going on!

5. Bring the outside in. Making the most of nature’s finest gift once again, get yourself a nice vase and fill with fresh cut flowers – it will help to create the right first impressions inside too. You may want to invest in a new houseplant or two, especially if you need to…

4. Get rid of dead or dying houseplants! If a plant looks unloved, it will create the impression that the house is maybe not as well looked after as it could be. Maybe a good water the week before viewings start along with a bit of deadheading and de-leafing could do the trick, but do be prepared to get rid of dying flora.

3. Tidy the front garden, because first impressions count! Whether you have a doorstep on the pavement, a courtyard front garden or a lawn at the front – make sure it is tidy by clearing away weeds and rubbish.

2. Time for a smell check. You want your home to smell as fresh as possible, but masking home odours with air fresheners is not the way to go about it – especially if a potential buyer reacts to it! Opening the windows will help, as will having a spring clean, other tricks include… baking fresh cookies or bread, putting on a pot of coffee, and placing fresh cut flowers around the home.

1. Throw open those windows! And let the fresh air in. Before viewings commence, open the windows and maybe the back door too. Not only will it make your home feel fresh, it will increase the feeling of space inside.

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