Boydens - Life at Home | Spring 2022 - Issue 02

Real Homes 54 Renting 1. Start by looking at the inventory and make a cleaning list. 2. Start cleaning your property a couple of weeks before moving out. This may sound daft, but it will save you considerable time and make the final clean a lot easier and quicker by breaking down a larger task. 3. If you are going to clean carpets, make sure that this is the last thing you do to avoid walking over clean flooring. 4. Use the correct material and equipment. An old toothbrush will help get in those awkward corners. Descaling products and a scouring sponge will also help. Alternatively, if you wanted to keep things natural, a mashed-up onion and baking powder mixed and applied with a sponge works wonders removing water marks from shower screens. White vinegar is another great product for removing mould and mildew as well as water marks and, of course, far kinder on the environment – as long as you don’t mind smelling of vinegar afterwards! 5. Try to work from top to bottom and ending at the front door; this will then avoid the need to keep going back and forth to the rooms that you have already cleaned. 6. Ensure that you defrost fridge-freezers, turn them off and leave the door ajar to avoid them smelling. 7. Clean washing machine seals and detergent drawers. 8. Don’t forget that if you need to clean your oven, it is likely that the products that you use may need to be applied for a number of hours to be effective, so this needs to be considered in your timing. 9. It is common that a clean is undertaken and the tenant forgets things like skirting boards and the inside of kitchen cupboards, so make sure that you cover these points to avoid a claim. 10. Lastly, don’t forget the outside of the property, such as windows and doors. All need to be wiped down to remove dirt and cobwebs and again will remove the need for a claim to be made. If you choose to clean the property yourself, here are some helpful hints based on our experience: Can I just clean it myself ? This is of course an option, however, far too many people underestimate how long it takes and how difficult it can be and, in the rush to return the keys, items are left and ultimately a proposed deduction from the deposit to address such points is then made. It is recommended, if possible, that a cleaning firm be appointed to clean the property throughout. This can save an enormous amount of time, reduce stress, and be cost-effective as it avoids the need for proposed deductions and ongoing delays with the return of your deposit. Your agent should be able to suggest a reputable local cleaning firm who you can appoint. A little expense now can save a considerable amount of stress and time later.